Yellow Light Bulb Guide
Yellow light bulbs are some of the most common and popular bulbs for both homes and businesses. However, the exact shade of yellow varies widely from one bulb to the next. In fact, most light bulbs that you can pick up from your local hardware store range between “soft white” and “light yellow.” These allow consumers to choose between the brighter illumination of white light and the warmer, more comforting visual appeal of yellow light.
But this still does not cover the very wide spectrum of yellow bulbs and their advantages in different environments. So, what are the benefits of yellow light bulbs? Are yellow light bulbs best for getting rid of bugs? How do yellow bulbs differ from light bulbs of other colors? In today’s guide, we will answer all of these questions and more, but first, let’s examine what actually qualifies as a yellow light bulb.
What Is A Yellow Bulb?
Most people recognize yellow as one of the primary colors. It is often considered a bright, happy color that can be used to complement similarly cheerful colors or even offset darker tones. In any case, when it comes to light bulbs, the color of the bulb glass and the light bulb temperature determine the color of the light we see.
The standard light yellow mentioned above is often categorized as “Warm White” and falls somewhere between 2700K and 3500K on the light bulb temperature spectrum. Lower numbers on the spectrum tend to be closer to red and orange (1000K to 2500K), colors in the middle of the spectrum range between dark yellow and stark white, and higher numbers on the spectrum (5000K and up) produce a blue color.
Therefore, a yellow light bulb can be defined as any bulb that falls in the lower-to-middle range of the light bulb temperature spectrum and/or bulbs with glass that have been colored yellow. Either way, the light seen in the surrounding environment will have a yellow hue. In the next section, we will discuss why you might want to use yellow light bulbs in your own home or office.
Benefits Of Yellow Light Bulbs
As previously mentioned, “Warm White” yellow bulbs are common for regular household or commercial use, as they mimic the natural light of the sun and are relatively easy on the eyes. However, there are hundreds of different tones of yellow, giving you plenty of options to choose from when shopping for yellow bulbs. Regardless of the exact tone or temperature you choose, here are a few of the most common yellow light bulb benefits to consider:
- Promotes natural sleep cycles - People often use yellow light bulbs throughout the day because they come very close to the look and feel of the sun. When you are exposed to yellow light in the morning, afternoon, and early evening, it helps your body know when it should be awake. Additionally, increasing your exposure to yellow light during the day helps your brain create more melatonin at night, making it even easier to fall asleep and maintain a natural sleep cycle.
- Creates a warm, cheerful environment - More than anything, proper lighting has the ability to completely change your mood. If you’re feeling sad or depressed, cold colors like blue or even bright white could make your symptoms even worse. On the other hand, yellow light bulbs often create a warming environment that is more likely to improve your mood and help you maintain a healthier state of mind.
- Promotes relaxation - In today’s fast-paced world, stress is something that everyone has to deal with almost every day. Surprisingly, the way our environment looks can have a direct impact on the degree of stress or anxiety we feel. Much like feelings of sadness, anxiety can be reduced by bright colors like yellow, which help promote relaxation and even increase focus. So, if you want to feel more relaxed and productive in your home office, you should consider replacing your current light bulbs with yellow light bulbs.
- Protects your retinas from colder colors - In years past, various studies showed that people who stared at their computer screens for hours on end had greater vision problems with age. This is because most mobile devices and computer screens produce cool, blue light. Now, device manufacturers are working to create warmer colors and protect consumers’ eyes. In any case, using yellow light bulbs and decreasing your daily screen time are two of the best ways to protect your retinas from the strain of colder light temperatures.
- Promotes creativity and problem-solving - In addition to making you feel more relaxed and productive, the color yellow has been proven to increase creativity and problem-solving abilities. This effect is not just limited to yellow paint or objects; it also extends to yellow light. By surrounding yourself with yellow light while you are working, you can increase your ability to come up with unique and creative solutions.
Yellow Light Bulbs For Bugs
While we have already discussed a myriad of benefits you can get from yellow light bulbs, we have yet to cover one of the most common advantages. Unlike colder colors on the light spectrum, yellow has the unique ability to deter bugs. For this reason, if you have a problem with bugs on your property, you have likely come across a wide variety of yellow bug lights and yellow porch lights.
So, how exactly does yellow light keep the bugs away? It’s not that insects dislike the color yellow; it’s just that they have a harder time seeing it. Most insects have a much more limited view of the color spectrum than humans. While they can see white and blue lights very well, they cannot see warmer colors like red, orange, or yellow as much. So, while bugs are naturally attracted to light, they are far less likely to be attracted to a yellow bulb than they are to a blue or white bulb.
It’s important to note that yellow bulbs are ideal if you simply want to reduce the number of bugs attracted to your outdoor light fixtures. However, if you want to get a “bug zapper” that actually kills mosquitos, moths, and other insects in the area, you will be better off getting one that uses a blue light bulb. This way, the bugs will be strongly attracted to the light, increasing the chance of “zapping” them as quickly as possible.
While bug zappers are effective, they are not ideal for actually lighting your outdoor area. Additionally, they can actually have the undesired effect of attracting even more bugs to your front porch or back deck. Consequently, it is usually a better idea to use yellow light bulbs to illuminate outdoor sitting areas; the darker the temperature, the better, as it will be less visible to all kinds of pesky insects. By using yellow bulbs, you can reduce the number of bugs attracted to your lights without sacrificing the outdoor illumination or visual appeal of your home.
We hope you found this guide on yellow light bulbs both fun and informative! Are you interested in learning more about yellow light bulbs? Are you ready to purchase high-quality yellow bulbs at affordable prices? If so, be sure to check out the products available at Bulb Center today!